About Us

Our Mission

At GlobalDesk, we believe passionately that outsourcing and remote staffing are the way forward for any business looking to grow. Our mission is to provide you with a seamless experience from start to finish. From a one-off design project to a long term bookkeeping job – and anything in between – you can count on us to get the job done on time and hassle-free.

Meet The Team

Abba Jakubowic and Ethan Katz are like-minded friends who share a vision.

Abba Jakubowic


Originally from Antwerp, Belgium, Abba moved to Israel with his family in 2012 and is a certified financial coach. In his capacity as Director for Jinternship and as CEO of a startup accelerator program for aspiring Jewish entrepreneurs, he brings with him a wealth of experience in recruiting and managing high-level employees and creating winning teams. Oh – and you can be sure to see him zipping around Jerusalem on his bicycle.

Ethan Katz


Ethan hails from Chicago, Illinois and received his BA in accounting from Yeshiva University before attaining a position at Ernst & Young in Manhattan. He has experience starting and directing two American NPO’s and is currently the Director of Programming for an NPO based in Jerusalem, where he moved to with his family in 2013. With his vast history in management positions, Ethan brings skill and vision to the table, alongside an indomitable passion for the Chicago Bears.

Why Global Desk?

Finding and trusting a remote employee with the secrets of your trade is daunting. You worry:

We looked around us here in Israel and saw a wealth of untapped talent, unfortunately not being put to use.

The partners noticed a common problem. Many of their friends and acquaintances who had undergone extensive education in first-class institutions around the world, were not finding their place in the Israeli market. Their native English and American training seemed much better suited to businesses in their home countries. Which was when Jakubowic and Katz had an idea.

Why not bring this talent back to the
US, Canada and the UK?

They established GlobalDesk in 2020, a boutique agency that services businesses worldwide with American talent for Israeli rates.

“We see outsourcing and remote staffing as the solution for American businesses that can simultaneously help hardworking men and women in Israel support their families. And we’re proud of that!”