  • time
  • costs
  • stress
cutting corners

Custom outsourcing and remote staffing solutions for
businesses worldwide.

Outsourcing with GlobalDesk is the perfect solution for:

Budget-strapped startups

Trying to build
yourself up from the
ground with limited

Small-size businesses

Drowning in endless grind work with no time for the important stuff?

Frustrated HR

Wasting precious hours searching for an employee that fits your criteria?

Mid-size Companies

In need of support staff but looking to downsize on expensive office space? Looking to move online?

Budget-strapped startups

Trying to build yourself up from the ground with limited resources?

Small-size businesses

Drowning in endless grind work with no time for the important stuff?

Frustrated HR

Wasting precious hours searching for an employee that fits your criteria?

Mid-size Companies

In need of support staff but looking to downsize on expensive office space? Looking to move online?

GlobalDesk is an agency based in Israel, providing businesses like yours with personalized outsourcing and remote staffing solutions.
Whether you’re looking for a single professional to handle a project or a remote team that can be integrated into your existing staff, we’ve got the answer!

Our areas of expertise include:

In todays fast moving world, outsourcing is the future.

In todays fast moving world, outsourcing is the future.

Here’s why:

Save time & energy

As much as we hate to admit it, no one can do everything. Which is why you (and your office staff) should be focusing on the core functions of your business. Delegating routine or specialised work to experts allows you to do what you do best without all the overtime and needless stress.

Cut your costs

Hire highly trained individuals for one-off projects or long term jobs and pay them only for the hours they work! Say goodbye to sick days, maternity leave, training, onboarding headaches, insurance and all the other expenses that creep up on you when you add an employee to your payroll.

Get expert service

Gone are the days when you had to choose between paying for an in-house bookkeeper or fumbling to get the job done DIY style. Outsourcing means you get the professional on demand. With their extensive training and experience, things will be done more efficiently.

GlobalDesk brings me substantially cheaper rates without compromising on the quality of work, which is superb! I now have peace of mind knowing I can rely on them to supply me with the perfect candidate from their bank of qualified professionals. I know I can trust them fully – they’re attuned to my specific needs and customise their services to fit that criteria!

Aviva Gelberman

Detroit Community Links

How it works:

  • 1. Get in touch with us! We’ll schedule a free consultation to discuss your needs and how we can tailor our services to meet them.
  • 2. Interview our candidate. We’ll set you up with the candidate we feel is most suited for the job and you can decide for yourself through an interview. If you’re not satisfied, we’ll find an option that works better for you.
  • 3. Let’s get started! Once you give us the green light, we’ll draft up a contract, and work with you to design a plan that will ensure the smooth running of the project from A to Z.
  • 4. Enjoy the process! You get to sit back and let us handle the administrative and technical aspects of the project. We’ll ensure deadlines are met and communication is steady.

At GlobalDesk, we remove the OUT from OUTSOURCING, by selecting carefully screened candidates and tailoring the project to your needs.

Highly trained employees

Our candidates are hand-picked from a pool of talented people living in Israel who have been trained in top-tier institutions in the US, Canada and UK. Get the same quality for less!

Native English speakers

We guarantee fantastic communication between all parties at all times by employing Anglos who are familiar with work culture and norms.

Customised packages

We work hard to ensure all our customers are treated to a boutique service. We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all. Tell us what you want and how you like it done.

Full and part-time work options

We offer recruitment services for all projects, whether they’re one-off jobs or long term positions, full or part-time. Our flexibility means you can count on us for a wide range of jobs and projects.

Trust and integrity

Our clients can rely on their remote staff to demonstrate commitment and honesty at all times due to our extensive vetting and management process. Leave the resume-mining headache to us!


If you’re fed up with:

● Stretching your budget to pay for much needed specialist work
● Training in new employees every couple months when the last one doesn’t work out
● Panicking when deadlines approach and work isn't completed

Partner with GlobalDesk to:

● Reduce your business costs by up to 30%
● Gain access to a bank of professionals who are at your service exactly when you need them
● Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your business is in good hands
Get in touch with us!

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Book Your free consultation

Want to find out something else?

Feel free to contact us, and we will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.